Online Lawn Booking System (LBS)

There is now an easy and effective lawn booking system in place for ensuring that there is a lawn available for play.  Just click on the link below and log-in to access the current calendar.

To access the site you will need a user name and password, which is different to that for using the members area on this RCC web site. If you don not have these, please contact the club secretary by telephone or email.

See                   Club contacts

Once on the LBS, find a date and time slot that suits you, and click on the empty slot to make a booking.   You can book a time slot of up to 2 hours.

Fill in your name and any other players in the “Brief Description” field, and specify whether you are playing GC or AC in the drop-down box a little further down.

When you are ready, click “Save”.

Do not use the LBS for Club days , Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday mornings, just roll up and put your name in the diary before playing.  The diary is located inside the main door to the clubhouse.

On club days, lawns will be allocated randomly to ensure that all members get the opportunity to play with and against all other members of the club and as often as you wish and lawn space allows.

At other times of the week, games are to be arranged by the participants and booked on the online LBS